About the conference

The GeoMundus Conference is an international Geoinformatics and Geospatial Technologies conference organized by students for students. It is hosted by the students of the Erasmus Mundus Master's program in Geospatial Technologies. Since 2009, the GeoMundus conference has been hosted annually - alternating between the program’s organizing universities- NOVA IMS (Lisbon, Portugal), University of Münster (Münster, Germany) and UJI (Castellón de la Plana, Spain). This year, the 16th edition of the conference will be held at the University of Münster, Münster, Germany. This conference is free of charge.

The approach of students organizing a conference for students is quite unique. However, the participants include experts, researchers, professionals, policymakers, and the general public. Anyone who is curious or enthusiastic about geospatial technologies and their applications can participate in this conference! It is a fantastic opportunity to engage with this exciting and fast-growing field and to network with a diverse group of people at the cutting edge.

As students and future members of the geospatial community, we want to bring together a representative group of professionals to share their experience and critically discuss the role of geospatial technologies experts in the industry, academia, government and NGO positions where students are most likely to develop a career.

The 16th edition will be in-person attendance.

This year’s conference will feature keynote speakers, workshops, paper and poster presentations, career development, and networking events. Past keynotes have included illustrious names from Geospatial space such as Dr. Michael Goodchild, Dr. Werner Kuhn, and John Nelson.

This year’s focus topic:

This conference shares and celebrates the work of researchers, students, policymakers and professionals within the scope of Geoinformatics and GI Applications. We’re setting the stage for enriching discussions on the newest technologies and methodologies that address environmental challenges with the use of geospatial information. This will promote multi-disciplinary insights from participants on topics that cover Geospatial Technologies and various aspects of sustainable development such as (but not limited to):

Keynote Speakers

As a student-led effort, Geomundus will feature a broad landscape of expertise and areas of action within the GIS field, such as academic figures, NGO advisors, government officials, and private sector actors. We understand that climate action seen through a GIS lens requires a wide array of perspectives that enrich discussions and ignite our curiosity. These insights will ultimately become the foundations of our professional practice. Information about the keynote speakers and the keynote topics will be updated soon!

Senior Research Fellow
Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

Digital Solutions Developer

Remote Sensing Specialist
Universidade dos Açores

Geospatial Information Manager
German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ)

Sponsors & Partners

GeoMundus is seeking partners from public and private entities including, but not limited to, spatial, technological, scientific, governmental, and academic fields. We will be thrilled to have your support and participation in this international event.

Are you interested in placing your logo on our website? Maybe you want to sponsor a specific event at the conference? There are endless ways to contribute to enhancing both Geomundus and your business. See our sponsorship tier levels here.

Start the conversation by contacting us at budget@geomundus.org for more information on how to be a part of this unique conference! We will be glad to discuss your ideas to sponsor the GeoMundus Conference 2024.


Media Partner


Preconference Event

Location & Contact

Arrival Information to University of Münster [PDF]

Mailing address

University of Münster
Institute for Geoinformatics
Heisenbergstraβe 2, D-48149
Münster, Germany